Rabu, 14 Maret 2012


NPM : 17211105

Conditional sentence is a compound sentence that has more than one idea in it. Usually compound sentence has main clause and subordinate clause.
There are 3 kinds of compound sentences. Any kind is made up of pairs of different tenses.

1.      Conditional sentences type 1
Is a form of conditional sentence that serves declare an event that might occur if the conditions are met. This sentence is formed with the main clause of “simple future tense” and the subordinate clause of  “simple present tense”.


·         If I don’t eat breakfast, I always get hungry during class.
·         I the weather is nice tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.
·         If I don’t eat breakfast tomorrow morning, I will get hungry during class.
·         I will go to Surabaya if I have money.
·         If you need some money, I will lend it.
·         If the weather is bad, I won’t go swimming.
·         If she studies hard, she will pass the examination.
·         If the young boy plays in the rain, he will be sick.

2.      Conditional sentences type 2
Form of conditional sentence that serves to declare an event of wishful thinking or fantasy to something contrary to the exiting circumstances. This sentence is formed with the main clause of “past future tense” while the subordinate clause the sentence “simple past tense”.


·         If I had enough money, I would lend you some.
Fact: I don’t have enough money now, so I can’t lend you any (present)
·         If I were rich, I would buy a villa in Kusadas?
Fact: I am not a rich, so I can not buy a villa in  Kusadas?

·         If she weren’t so shy, she would enjoy parties.
Fact: she is so shy, that is why she doesn’t enjoy parties.
·         If we had central heating, the house wouldn’t be cold.
Fact: we haven’t central heating, so the house is rather cold.
·         If I didn’t live near  mt house, I would spend much time travelling to work.
Fact: I live near my office, so I don’t spend much time travelling to work.
·         If I could drive, I could take the car.
Fact: because I cannot drive, we cannot take the car.
·         If I didn’t have to work tomorrow, I’d come to the cinema with you.
Fact: I will work tomorrow, so I can’t come to the cinema with you.
·         If he shaved, he wouldn’t look unattractive.
Fact: he never shaves so he looks unattractive.
·         It is raining. I wish it would stop.
Fact: I want it to stop raining.
·         I’m expecting a call. I wish the phone would ring.
Fact: I want the phone to ring.
·         It’s going to be a good party. I wish you would come.
Fact: I want you to come.
·         We’re going to be late. I wish you would hurry.
Fact: I want you to hurry.

3.      Conditional sentences type 3
Form of a conditional sentence to be used if we imagine other possibilities of an event in the past. This sentence in a form with a main clause of past perfect future and the subordinate clause of past perfect tense.


·         If she had studied hard enough, she would have passed the test.
Fact: she didn’t study hard enough, so shy didn’t pass the test.
·         If I hadn’t driven so fast, I wouldn’t have had an accident.
Fact: I drove so fast, so I had an accident.
·         If Merve and Senem had seen the signal, they would have stopped.
Fact: merve and senem didn’t see the signal, so they didn’t stop.
·         If it had not been raining, I would take the kids to the beach.
Fact: it was raining, so I didn’t take the kids to the beach.
·         If we had had enough money, we would have gone by air.
Fact: we didn’t go by air only because we hadn’t enough money.
·         People could have escaped from the burning wall if the exit door hadn’t been blocked.
Fact: the exit door were blocked, so people couldn’t escape from the buring wall.
·         If she had heard the clock ring, she wouldn’t have been late for work.
Fact: she was late for work, because she didn’t hear the clock ring.


Bencana Alam

Bencana alam masih akan menjadi ancaman serius di Indonesia pada 2012. Banjir, cuaca ekstrem, gempa bumi, dan gunung meletus masih akan melanda negeri kita.
Kepala Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Sri Woro B Harijono memperkirakan ancaman banjir besar di Jakarta akan terjadi pada Januari 2012. Khusus daerah pantai saat hujan tinggi akan menjadi persoalan serius karena berbarengan dengan rob. Efeknya, banjir akan lebih tinggi dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya.
Faktor cold surge cukup berat menekan Jakarta dari laut dan dari atmosfer saat terjadi hujan lokal secara terus-menerus, ditambah banjir kiriman. Selain itu, pada akhir Januari matahari juga sedang berada tepat di atas Pulau Jawa. Radiasi matahari maksimal juga bisa berpengaruh pada faktor kemungkinan banjir.
Saat ini air sulit meresap ke dalam tanah, karena sebagian besar lahan di Jakarta penuh dengan bangunan beton dan aspal dan menyisihkan sedikit lahan terbuka.
Bencana hidrometeorologi seperti banjir dan cuaca ekstrem memang akan mendominasi di tahun 2012.
Menurut Presiden Ikatan Ahli Geolagi Indonesia (IAGI) Rovicky Dwi Putrohari, dari kajian geologi dunia, pemanasan global akan mempengaruhi kondisi meteorologis. Gejala bencana hidrometerologis ini dipicu perubahan iklim global yang menyebabkan adanya perubahan musim dan terjadinya curah hujan anomali.
Curah hujan ekstrem tinggi di daerah-daerah rawan longsor akan memicu longsor dan di daerah dataran perkotaan yang sistem drainasinya rusak akan menyebabkan banjir. Masyarakat perlu mewaspadai kemungkinan longsoran yang menyebabkan banjir lahar di daerah-daerah yang sebelumnya menjadi tempat bertumpuknya material lepas hasil erupsi gunung api.
Tahun 2012 mendatang curah hujan ini perlu diamati secara terus menerus, karena curah hujan ini akan menjadi pemicu utama bencana yang berpotensi menyebabkan kerugian serta korban akan paling besar.
Pemerintah harus mengingatkan masyarakat yang tinggal di lereng gunung, tebing atau bantaran sungai harus waspada sebab kawasan ini rawan longsor dan banjir bandang.
Selain banjir, bencana alam yang masih akan mengancam pada 2012 yaitu gempa bumi dan letusan gunung berapi. Bencana ini tidak dapat diprediksi secara langsung.
Akhir Desember 2011 saja tercatat ada 23 gunung api yang berstatus di atas normal. 6 di antaranya berstatus Siaga (level 2), yaitu Gunung Anak Karakatu (Banten), Gunung Lokon (Tomohon, Sulawesi Utara), Gunung Karangetan (Sitaro, Sulawesi Utara), Gunung Papandayan (Garut, Jawa Barat), Gunung Gamalama (Ternate, Maluku Utara) dan Gunung Ijen (Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur).
Sampai bulan Januari 2012 gunung-gunung itu masih belum bisa diturunkan statusnya dari siaga. Kita masih terus pantau perkembangannya.
Pemerintah dan masyarakat benar-benar harus waspada menghadapi ancaman-ancaman bencana alam. Cara penanggulangan bencana harus sudah disiapkan.